Retrieving my password

Updated 04/27/2021

Password recovery is simple and secure. First, make sure you have access to your Izzyplan registration email. If you no longer have access to it, ask the Organization administrator to change it for you.

You can directly access the password recovery page by clicking here , or follow the steps below.

At click on "Sign in". Then click "Click here" under "Forgot your password".

In the password recovery screen, enter the email used in Izzyplan and click on "Recover"

A message will be sent to your email. Access it and click on the link sent. You will be redirected to a validated page, where you can set your new password. This page has a period of 24 hours to be used, if you do not recover your password within this period, you will need to request the link again and restart the steps above.

Enter your password and repeat, then click on "Change" to reset the password.

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