Tool Hub Hub

for smart business

Organize your business in a simple, easy and accessible way.
Projects, Workflows, Calendar, Tiny website, Tickets, Messenger...

Free for up to 10 users

Assessment in Capterra
Efficient communication
Happy people
Smart management


Capture more clients by letting them schedule an appointment with you

Create private or team calendars, separate or unified for services, products and company assets. Let your customers book with you or create reservations yourself. Schedule meetings, various appointments and don't forget anything else.

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Organize your team's work and predict project success dynamically

Project tasks and phases can be associated, related with dependencies. Planning becomes easy and measuring results efficient. Monitor project success statistics on smart dashboards. Get reminded of important tasks.

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Forget your emails. Organize requests and assign responsibilities

Receive requests from customers or other departments. Define the responsibilities for each stage of the flow and let Izzyplan manage everything for you. Use custom fields to collect information. Automatically define tasks and responsible parties.

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Tiny website

A website with links to your social networks and all customer services!

Scheduling and opening tickets. Links to social networks, websites and media in your portfolio. Let your business be found. The site is optimized for Google and Bing. Customize it, make it your own.

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Centralize communication between your team and your customers in a managed way

Communication with customers and staff through social networks, messengers and emails is not efficient. Centralize team communication and customer service in a single channel. Conversations can be linked to daily activities.

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