How can your client track projects on Izzyplan?

Updated 06/17/2021

One of the coolest features of Izzyplan is that it allows (free of charge) that its clients can follow the progress of projects closely. They can even collaborate on projects and provide feedback. In this article we will teach you how to take this step of transparency with your customers.

shared dashboard

If you want your client to just follow the progress of the projects, but not to collaborate on it with information through Izzyplan, just create a dashboard for your client to see and then generate a shareable link from this dashboard.

Access Izzyplan with the "Administrator" profile and navigate to the "Settings" menu and then "Dashboards".

Click "New" and create a unique dashboard to share with your customer. Define a name and check the access options for "Stakeholder".

Access the dashboard and add the elements that contain the information you want to share about your project with your client.

Tip! To learn more about creating Dashboards, click here and read our guides on the subject.

Now that the Dashboard is ready, click the "Share" button

Click on "Generate Shareable URL" and send it to the customer or, if you prefer, add the name and email of the customer who will have access to the Dashboard. This way, only he will receive the link.

When accessing this URL, your client will see the project's Dashboard without having to login.

Try the link:

Stakeholder Access

If you want your clients to collaborate on the project with comments, opinions, send files or even create tasks for you, just give the client a " Stakeholder " access in your Organization. With this access, your client will be able to contribute, in a limited way, to the project. If you want to give the customer more contribution permissions, you will need to assign them a " Contributor " type permission.

Access the "Organization" menu and then "Users". Click "New". Inform the customer data in choose the "Stakeholder" profile

The customer will receive an invitation by e-mail and upon acceptance, he will be able to access his account as a Stakeholder.

With this access, your client will be able to contribute to the project and track project tasks in real time. You will receive important notifications and alerts. In addition, he will be able to open tasks for the project, comment and send files. Remember, there are limitations for a Stakeholder, learn more by clicking   here .

When the Stakeholder has access, it is common for the project Dashboard to be seen by him, so instead of creating a new Dashboard, just customize the project Dashboard as follows:

Access the project in the "Projects" menu and in the preview mode, choose the "Dashboard" option

Click on the "Configure Dashboard" button

Customize the Dashboard as needed. Izzyplan has several ready-made indicator elements. Don't forget to apply period filters.

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