Creating custom dashboards

Updated 04/27/2021

Dashboards are essential for managing strategic information about projects and workflows. Izzyplan allows the creation of dashboards and the customization of indicators from dashboard reports, as well as internal and external sharing of updated information in real time.

Creating a Dashboard

You can create a new dashboard through the "Dashboards" menu or the "Configuration > Dashboards" menu. Access the "Dashboards" menu and click on "New Dashboard"

In the window that will appear, define a "Name" and a brief "Description" about your dashboard and click "Save and Close".

Note that during dashboard creation, you can set your access permission. Click here and understand more about access levels . Users who have access permission to the dashboard will see it in the "Dashboards" menu

Your dashboard will be listed. Click "Dashboard" to access the report.

Customizing indicators

When accessing a newly created dashboard, you will see an empty page. It's time to add content. Click "Customize"

Click "Add"

A window with a gallery of bookmarks will be shown. If you are customizing a dashboard that already has indicator elements, you can remove the elements by clicking "Remove".

If you are adding new elements, search for one or more desired indicators and click "Add". When finished, click "Save and Close".

The elements will be added to the report. You will be able to reposition and resize them. To reposition, before saving, click, hold and drag the elements snapping them to the grid.

To resize, click on the edges of the elements.

After adding all the indicators and completing the configuration, click "Save".

applying filters

The filters applied to the dashboards will be saved for future access, but they can be changed whenever you want.

To apply a filter, go to a dashboard and click "Filters".

The possible filters of the dashboard will be shown. These filters will be applied to all indicators. Let's select the "Period" filter, so that the report always displays information from the last 7 days.

Click "Filter" to close the filter settings and apply to the report. The applied filters will be shown here:

sharing dashboard

We have already explained in another article how to share dashboards. Click here to access it and learn more.

Customizing project and flow dashboards

Projects and flows created in the system have their own Dashboards that cannot be removed, but can be customized.

Access the desired project or flow and choose the "Dashboard" view mode

Click "Configure Dashboard"

Now just follow the guidelines of this tutorial, in the above topic "Customizing indicators".

To go back

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