Creating an account on Izzyplan

Updated 04/01/2021

Creating accounts on Izzyplan is simple. When a user creates their account, it becomes exclusive and can be linked in one or more organizations.

On the website, navigate to Create Account

Enter the email address that will be linked to the new account. Prefer your corporate email.

Enter a name for your organization. The name of the organization can be your company or even your name. Izzyplan will create a short name for your organization, for example .

Invite some people to access your organization while creating the account. You can also do this later.

When you create an account, you will automatically join the Free plan , unless you have chosen to try the Premium plan for 14 days.

When creating your account, an email with a temporary password will be sent to you, but the first time you sign in, you must set a secure password to access Izzyplan. With this step completed, your account is created and you will be able to enjoy the best system in the world!

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