Adding, editing, and removing comments on tasks

Updated 01/06/2023

Comments are features available in Projects and Flows tasks.

creating comments

When creating a task, its layout appears empty, with no resources added, as we can see below:

To add comments, simply click ADD and select the COMMENTS feature

If the task already has comments, the space for writing comments is hidden by default when opening the task. To show it, just click the + button to show it . Write your comment and click SAVE

The comments area will be shown, as shown below.

Your comment will be shown below

Editing and deleting comments

Comments can be edited or deleted if they meet the following criteria:

  1. were created by you
  2. Were created in the last 3 hours
  3. No comments were created after yours

mentions in comments

You can mention the user in the comment, using the @ to find the username.

Mentioned users will receive an alert with the mention.

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