Increasing or reducing storage space

Updated 04/27/2021

When creating an account on Izzyplan, the Organization will have a storage space to be used. Find out here which storage spaces are available for each plan. You use space whenever:

  1. Attach a file to a task
  2. Pastes an image into a task description

To manage the use of disk space, just follow in the lower left corner of the system, where the total account space, the space used and a progress bar will be shown.

Increasing storage space by removing files

You can increase the space by removing large files that have been attached to tasks. To do this, access the task, click on the "Attachments" tab and then click "Remove" on the attachment

Buying more storage space

Another way to increase storage space is to buy more space. To do this, you must be a System Administrator.

Access the "Organization" menu and then "Organization Profile". Scroll to the "Storage" section and click the "More space" button

Choose the desired space to add to the organization by dragging the bar. Then click on "Upgrade"

When performing this procedure, the value will be added to the organization's current plan. The purchased space will be available immediately to all users.

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