Dynamic forms allow custom fields to be created in Izzyplan. Forms can be added to Flows to collect data during the execution of activities.
Creating a DynaForm
1 - With an Administrator profile, access the "Settings" menu and then "Dynamic Forms"
2 - Click on "New". In the window define the "Name" of the form and a brief "Description" of its use.
3 - Drag the desired fields from the "Elements" column into the form area. Click and hold on the edge of the element to resize it.
Tip: The form fields adapt to the content, so there is no vertical resizing, only horizontal.
4 - Click once on the added element in the form area to open the settings.
You can configure the following settings:
- LABEL - Field name, will appear above
- HELP TEXT - Text that will appear below the field to help the user fill in
- TEMPORARY TEXT -Text that will appear inside the field. It will be cleared when the user clicks inside the field
- DEFAULT VALUE - Text that will be inserted inside the field by default. The user can change
- MAKE REQUIRED - Makes filling in the field mandatory
- MAKE HIDDEN - Makes the field hidden
- DEPENDENT FIELD - If checked, allows defining a dependency rule for the field. See further below.
5 - After adding the desired fields, click on SAVE form.
Types of elements available
The elements available for creating DynaForms are as follows:
single line text
For adding common single line text field.
To add field with numeric values
For adding fields with dates. A pick date will be displayed for date selection.
multi-line text
For adding textarea, which allows long text with paragraphs.
drop-down menu
For adding single-selection drop-down (combobox) type field.
check boxes
For adding multiple choice field with checkboxes.
For single-choice addition in radio-type fields.
header text
Inserts a text area for displaying headers or field groupings to the user
Adding a formatted text area for display to the user
Addition of file type field (input file), for receiving files. Uploaded files become download links on the form.
Adding an image to the form body for display to the user.
dependent field
The dependent field creates a rule that checks whether the value filled in the field in question matches a criterion. If the criteria is matched, an action is performed. At the moment the only action is to SHOW another field that is hidden.